Chocolate Raspberry Pavlova

Check out how many calories in Chocolate Raspberry Pavlova. Get answers to all your nutrition facts questions at FitClick.
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filed under Desserts

Serving size: 1 each
Recipe category: Desserts
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Difficulty: Hard
Calories: 226 (11% DV)
Fat: 2g (3% DV)
Carbohydrates: 49g (16% DV)
Protein: 3g (7% DV)
Ingredients:  Makes 10 servings (10 each)
1-1/2  cups
3  tablespoons
1  teaspoon
16  ounces
4  cups
3  ounces

Tip: For nutritional information on all the ingredients in Chocolate Raspberry Pavlova just click on each ingredient name. Then adjust the serving size for any Chocolate Raspberry Pavlova ingredient with the serving size tool in the nutrition facts area to the right to see how you can save calories, carbs and more.
Prepare the pan: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment. Draw a 9-inch-diameter circle on the paper with a pencil, tracing a round cake tin that size.

Flip the paper over so your meringue doesn't touch the pencil marks - you'll still be able to see the circle.

Make the meringue: Beat the egg whites with a mixer until satiny peaks form, and then beat in the sugar a spoonful at a time until the meringue is stiff and shiny.

Add the chocolate: Sprinkle the cocoa, vinegar and then 2 oz. chopped chocolate over the egg whites. Gently fold everything with a rubber spatula until the cocoa is thoroughly mixed in.

Shape the meringue: Secure the parchment to the baking sheet with a dab of meringue under each corner. Mound the meringue onto the parchment within the circle, smoothing the sides and the top with a spatula.

Bake the meringue: Place in the oven, then immediately turn the temperature down to 300 degrees F and cook for one to one and a quarter hours. When it's ready, it should look crisp and dry on top, but when you prod the center you should feel the promise of squidginess beneath your fingers.

Let it cool: Turn off the oven and open the door slightly; let the chocolate meringue disk cool completely in the oven. When you'reready to serve, invert onto a big flatbottomed plate and peel off the parchment.

Decorate the Pavlova: Spray fat free whipped cream on top of the meringue, then scatter the raspberries on top. Coarsely grate the chocolate haphazardly over the top so that you get curls of chocolate rather than rubble, as you don't want the raspberries' luscious color and form to be obscured. You want the Pavlova to look like a frosted cake.
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