Check out how many calories in GULAB JAMUN RECIPE. Get answers to all your nutrition facts questions at FitClick.
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filed under Desserts

Serving size: 1 each
Recipe category: Desserts
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Difficulty: Easy
Calories: 116 (6% DV)
Fat: 1g (1% DV)
Carbohydrates: 27g (9% DV)
Protein: 1g (2% DV)
Description: Indian Fried donut balls...recipe from Indian Food forever
Ingredients:  Makes 18 servings (18 each)
1  cup
2  teaspoons
1/2  teaspoon
6  pieces
1  teaspoon
2  cups
2  cups
5  teaspoons
2  tablespoons
2  cups

Tip: For nutritional information on all the ingredients in GULAB JAMUN RECIPE just click on each ingredient name. Then adjust the serving size for any GULAB JAMUN RECIPE ingredient with the serving size tool in the nutrition facts area to the right to see how you can save calories, carbs and more.
Soak the suji in a 1/2 cup of water so as to make it soft.
In a bowl mix milk powder, ghee, baking powder and flour. Drain out all the excess water from the soaked suji and add it to the bowl. Now mix together by rubbing the mixture between your palms to ensure everything gets mixed properly. Do not knead it.
Add just enough of whole milk to make a medium-hard mixture. Cover with a damp yet dry kitchen towel and keep aside for 20 - 25 mins.
Later divide the mixture into 18-20 portions. Make small balls by gently rolling each portion between your palms into a smooth ball. Place the balls on a plate.
Heat the oil on high and then lower the heat to medium. Slip in the balls into the hot oil from the side of the pan, one by one. They will sink to the bottom of the pan, but do not try to move them. Instead, gently shake the pan to keep the balls from browning on just one side. After about 5 mins, the balls will rise to the surface. The balls should rise slowly to the top if the temperature is just right. Now take a slotted spoon and move it in circular motion in the oil, making sure not to touch the balls. This will shake the balls and even ensure even browing of all the balls.
If the temperature of the oil is too high then the gulab jamuns will tend to break. So adjust the temperature to ensure that the gulab jamuns do not break or cook too quickly.
The balls must be fried very slowly under medium temperatures.This will ensure complete cooking from inside and even browning.

The syrup should be made earlier and kept warm. To make the hot sugar syrup add mix the 2 cups of sugar to 2 cup of water. Add 4-5 cardamom pods, slightly crushed and a few strands of "Kesar". Mix with a spoon and then heat at medium heat for 5-10 minutes until sugar is all dissolved in water. Do not overheat, that will caramelize the sugar. Add few drops of lemon this will ensure that once syrup cools down it does not solidify.
Transfer this hot syrup into a serving dish. Keep it warm on stove. Add the fried gulab jamuns directly into the warm syrup. Leave gulab jamun balls in sugar syrup overnight for best results. They can be served warm or at room temperature.
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