For My Boys

49 F

Day What?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 7:23 PM filed under Diet & Nutrition postings

I will take it as a good sign that I have lost track of what day I am on. I have been consistent with keeping track of my foods, planning ahead, and eating 6 small meals a day instead of starving myself till 6pm and then loading up on all my calories with super bad choices.

Just started having these greek waffles for breakfast and they are SO good and satisfying. I even entered it in the recipe finder so I can easily add it to my food tracker for a day. Finding it easier to feed the whole family healthy, I have been watching my portion controls and just all around made myself way more aware of what I put in my mouth and how much. I feel my energy returning, I am in a much better mood, I am waking up earlier and falling asleep easier, AND my jeans are getting husband even mentioned something yesterday, made me feel really good. I need to get up tomorrow morning and go for a walk, need to work in exercise, I KNOW that will not just be healthier for me but speeed up the weight loss:) Need to commit myself to it, maybe give myself some sort of incentive for walking that will push me out the door. Going to think on that one tonight.

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